How to correctly tell me your print numbers

December 03, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I've had a few clients recently getting confused on how to give me the correct number for their print orders which they receive as part of their package. I always ask clients to please send me the original file number which is at the bottom on the photograph once you've clicked into it from your main gallery but I've people getting confused and giving me the number it shows them once they've marked it as a favourite in their favourites selection. Below I have included some screenshots showing the correct number to provide me with and explaining which is the incorrect number. The reason I ask for the original file number is because that's the number it is saved on my computer as and it is that number which is the unique ID to that particular photograph/file.


In this screenshot below you can see that the original file number is below the photograph, I have gotten this come up after clicking on the photograph thumbnail in the main gallery after logging in.


Below are two screenshots showing what you get if your viewing your favourites selection and explaining that the number shown in the grey box in the top right of the photograph is the incorrect number to provide me as it's not the original file number and that if you hover over the photograph you'll receive the correct file number.


Print2Print2 Print3Print3


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